What is SEO?

SEO is the initials of Search Engine Optimization in English, and it means optimizing search engine in Korean. Optimizing search engines means optimizing sites for users who search for services and goods online.

SEO is the generic term for creating and operating sites that users require.

Optimize for Online Users

At the heart of SEO work is the ongoing creation and distribution of content that is useful and of high quality to the needs of the retriever. It’s user-centric, and it starts with a focus on the search user. Below is an example of that.

  • What challenges, problems, questions, or questions do search users have?
  • What search keywords do you use?
  • What is required by search results, what can be more satisfying?
  • What information is helpful to search users?
  • What content do you want to share with others?

Searching is an act of information exploration conducted by search users to gain new knowledge, and search engines are responsible for connecting search users with knowledge. And SEO’s role is to provide information that will become the knowledge of search users.

SEO is simple. If you do it right, the results will follow. But it takes time and it is hard.